Monday, June 30, 2008

Joining the Blog

Some of my original emails have been ending up being selected by spam filters so you may have not received the first set of instructions. I have posted the basic instructions here now. The most important thing is to recognize that an invitation from "wildwolf" in your email box is from Alpaca East.

A couple of notes on joining the Alpaca East blog.

Invitation will come from my online name "wildwolf"
Click on the link
Select create new account (assuming you do not have one)
enter email address, password, and penname plus type the letters in the security image
once accepted you will be prompted to enter your password and accept wildwolf invitation to join the Alpaca East blog.
Google will also send you an email to confirm your account set up. You need to click this link as well.
Go to the Alpaca East blog and click the sign in link at the upper right hand corner.
enter your email address and password (plus security image letters if asked)
click on new post and you can pose a question or comment.
Send me your farms web address and I will post it on the blog.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Do we need to worry about heartworm for Alpaca's like we do for dogs?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hey Rob... this seems quite user friendly !! Oreo looks great. We have had 4 babies so far this year,( 1 male & 3 females ) with 1 more due any day. All by our white stud Chino, and not a white among them !! He seems to be throwing color when bred to color, which is great

Welcome to ALPACA EAST

Alpaca East association is a group of Alpaca breeders and owners who reside in the provinces New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Our preliminary meeting was held at the Mayflower Show in May 2007. Attendees of this meeting then followed up by email suggestions for a group name and mission statement. On June 12th, a group of us decided on the Alpaca East moniker by conference call. The other order of business decided was to set up this Blog.

The purpose of the blog is two fold. One, to help facilitate in the organization of the Alpaca East association and, two, provide a forum for members to pose and answer questions. The advantage of the blog is that you can communicate at any time to the entire group without cluttering every one's email and is local. If you have not used a blog before here are the initial steps.
  1. You will receive an email inviting you to participate in the blog.
  2. You will be required to create a log in. Your login is an email address and password so is easy to remember. You will also be asked for the name you would like for your posts signature. This can be pseudonym.

Once signed in you can now blog. Blogging main actions are posting an new subject, question or thread and commenting or responding to an existing post or thread. To comment, go to the bottom of the post and click on comment. This will change the screen and you can post your comment and see any other comments on the subject. If you want to make a new post on a different subject then follow the link at the top of the screen.

This blogsite does allow us to post pictures, videos, polls, web links etc. As a courtesy to those who only have dial up please keep your picture's file size small. If you can, no more than 200kb. your digital photo program will have a function to help you do this. For video's, I would recommend only posting a link to the video. I will set up two named links lists for now. One for members websites and a second for industry sites like Alpaca Canada and CLAA. Please email me directly your own website or other industry suggestions. A third list will also be set up titled labels. This will allow us to organize similar topics into groups like health, shearing, shows, association issues, etc. If you click on this link it would only bring up threads with this label assigned. This function will be more useful as the blog grows. A monthly archive is also kept.

The more active participants the blog has the better the blog becomes. Happy Blogging and welcome to Alpaca East.