Monday, August 18, 2008

Ivomec - Deworming shots (how often?)

How frequently do you give ivomec or equivilant deworming shots?
Do not give preventative treatment free polls

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Alpacas looking for a possible ride

Caroline and I are planning to bring our two males to Pacafiesta but have not yet acquired a trailer to transport them. If anybody bringing alpacas to Pacafiesta from New Brunswick, PEI or northern Nova Scotia and has room for two alpacas for the last hour to Halifax (we are located off highway between Truro and Halifax), we would love to hear from you. While we may have purchased a trailer and received it by September 25th, I would like to have a back up plan.


Reminder to get you registration forms in for Pacafiesta. For your farm name and animals to be printed in the program the registration needs to be submitted by August 19th.

See you all there.